Best Student Project Award

To increase the focus on the railway education, the BaneBranchen awards the prize “Best Study Project” every year at this year’s RAILcph conference. The prize is awarded to the best study project that has been submitted in the past year. The prize comes with a travel grant of DKK 15.000.


The best study project is selected by an assessment committee consisting of members of BaneBranchen’s board.


Winner of Best Student Project Award 2023: Ivan E. Martos

Assessment of Ground‑Borne Vibrations from Urban Rail Transit


Former winners


Jacob Grove

An effective solution to the problem of capacity at Copenhagen Central Station in the form of the contruction of a Return tunnel



Frederik Wrona Holgersen

Analysis of a central S-train network extension in the Greater Copenhagen Area



Julia Veintimilla

Battery Powered Rolling Stock: A feasibility study of battery electric multiple units in Denmark



Joanna Lazewska

Alternatives for upgrading the Nykøbing Falster – Puttgarden railway line



Mads Skøtt Sørensen & Jakob Rahr Bork Jensen.

In cooperation with DSB “Combined Train Platform and Shunting Optimization”



Rie Jensen & Mai-Britt Rasmussen

Upgrade of Regional Railways



Martin Goodman & Morten Eltved

Linking the S-line and the Local line – Traffic and socio-economic analysis



Torsten Nielsen

Train Timetable Improvement Case Study: Fehmarn Land North – Ringsted-Storstrømmen

Tobias Lang Høiagaard

A new alignment for the Jægersborg-Nærum railway line to Lyngby – A TramTrain solution



Lars Wittrup Jensen

Upgrading of the railway between Odense and Aarhus