– BaneBranchen –


§1 Background



§2 The name of the association

The association’s name is “BaneBranchen”. The association is based in Denmark.


§3 Purpose

The purpose of the association is to support educational activities aimed at the railway sector. Furthermore, the association’s purpose among the members is to disseminate information about activities in the railway area with significance for competence development and to support the network formation within the railway sector.


This is done primarily by:


  • Provide funding to support training activities aimed at the railway sector.


  • Obtain PhD places for the program’s licentiates from the association’s members.


  • In collaboration with DTU to ensure that the education has the necessary academic and qualitative content.


  • Support research at DTU within railway technical topics.


  • Contribute to the association’s members providing support to students by obtaining exam projects, data, professional sparring, study jobs, internships, etc.


Secondarily by:


  • Conduct events (meetings, seminars, conferences, etc.) and disseminate information on activities in the railway area of ​​importance for competence development.


  • Market the sector and create visibility for students.


The association also aims to support initiatives to build and streamline other forms of education that contribute to the operation and development of the railway.


§4 Members

All companies, railway operators, public companies, institutions and individuals with an interest in the sector can become members of the association.


Members can e.g. be:


  • Infrastructure managers


  • Railway companies / operators


  • Transport companies


  • Authorities


  • Advisors


  • Contractors


  • Suppliers of systems and components


  • Interest organizations


  • Educational organizations


  • Student

DTU can be a member of the association, but without the right to vote. Following the decision of the board, DTU participates in the board meetings.


§5 The association’s management

The supreme authority of the association is the general meeting. The general meeting is held once a year before the end of April. All members are summoned by letter or e-mail with at least 10 working days’ notice.

The general meeting legally convened at any time is quorate. All decisions except amendments to the articles of association are adopted by a simple majority. Each voting member company has one vote. The members can be represented by proxy. DTU participates in the general meeting, but without the right to vote.


The general meeting elects the board of directors, which constitutes itself with a chairman, deputy chairman and treasurer.


The general meeting must have at least the following items on the agenda:


  1. Election of conductor.
  2. Chairman’s report,.
  3. Submission and approval of plan for future study and training activities.
  4. Presentation and approval of accounts.
  5. Presentation and approval of budget and contingent.
  6. Proposals from the board and members.
  7. Election to the Board of Directors.
  8. Election of auditor.
  9. Optionally.


An extraordinary general meeting is convened if a simple majority of the members so wishes, or if 2 board members so wish.


Amendments to the articles of association can be made at an ordinary general meeting with 2/3 of the votes present. The members can be represented by proxy.


The general meeting may decide to terminate the association with a deadline of 3 years or possibly. shorter, if the association will be able to meet its obligations to support ongoing education. Termination must be decided at a general meeting with 2/3 of the votes present and confirmed at an extraordinary general meeting no later than 4 weeks after the ordinary by a simple majority of the members present. At the extraordinary general meeting, a termination budget is presented for adoption.


§6 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is elected from among representatives from the member companies and consists of a chairman, deputy chairman, treasurer and other members. The board members are elected at the general meeting for a period of 2 years.


The board enters into an agreement with DTU, prepares a budget and activity plan, and is responsible for the collaboration with DTU, including:


  • Implementation of agreed courses and activities, which are the basis for the master’s program.


  • Organization of a high professional and qualitative level.


  • Planning with a horizon that ensures the necessary resources for the continuation of the education.


  • To give the education an international focus through collaboration with foreign universities.


  • Contributing to the creation of a railway technical professional environment that can form the basis for innovation and knowledge sharing.


DTU participates in board meetings in accordance with the board’s decision and with observer status without the right to vote.


Decisions can be made by vote if a board member so wishes. In the case of votes, any question shall be decided by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman’s vote shall be decisive.


§7 Economy

The association’s financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.


The association is signed by the chairman and treasurer in association.


The work of the board and other members’ work for the association is unpaid.


The association may only bear costs, including the necessary administration, which are in accordance with the association’s purpose. Other uses must be decided by the general meeting by a simple majority.


The board prepares a 3-year budget based on the agreed training activities that enable the association to fulfill its purpose during the training period.


Each year at the general meeting, the membership fee for the following year is approved. The quota will be charged before the end of January.


§8 Revision

The association’s accounts must be audited by an auditor, who is elected at the general meeting for one year at a time.


§9 The association’s obligations and liabilities

The association undertakes to support educational activities aimed at the railway sector.


Furthermore, the members undertake to make their own relevant lecturers and teachers as well as external examiners and co-supervisors available by further agreement.


The association is only liable for its obligations with the assets belonging to the association at any given time. The association’s members or board of directors are not personally liable.


§10 Withdrawal

A membership can be terminated with 6 months’ notice before the next calendar year. Withdrawal must be made in writing by letter or e-mail to the association’s chairman.


A member who unsubscribes may not claim a refund of the membership fee or parts of the assets.


§11 Termination of the association

The termination of the association must be decided at a general meeting in accordance with the rules for this. When deciding on termination, a termination budget is prepared. Possibly. assets or liabilities on termination are distributed among the members in the same proportion as the membership fee payment.




Thus adopted at the inaugural general meeting on 28 February 2008.
Modifiied at the Annual General Meeting on September 30, 2008.
Modified at the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2009.
Modified at the Annual General Meeting on April 15, 2010.
Modified at the Annual General Meeting on April 12, 2012.
Amended at the general meeting on 4 April, 2013
Modified at the Annual General Meeting on April 10, 2014.
Amended at the Annual General Meeting on April 9, 2015
Amended at the Annual General Meeting on April 7, 2016
Modified at the Annual General Meeting on April 16, 2018.